Serge Lang is not only one of the top mathematicians of our time, but also an excellent writer. He has made innumerable and invaluable contributions in diverse fields of mathematics and was honoured with the Cole Prize by the American Mathematical Society as well as with the Prix Carriere by the French Academy of Sciences. Here, 83 of his research papers are collected in four volumes, ranging over a variety of topics of interest to many readers.
Hardbound. This session of the Summer School in Theoretical Physics concentrated on the recent advances in areas of physics ranging from (super)strings to field theory and statistical mechanics. The articles contained in this volume provide a stimulating and up-to-date account of a rapidly growing subject.Discussion focussed on the many points of convergence between field theory and statistical mechanics: conformal field theory, field theory on a lattice, the study of strongly correlated electron systems, as in the Hubbard model, leading to topological Lagrangians, which are perhaps the key of the understanding of high Tc superconductivity or the fractional quantum Hall effect. The critical phenomena in (1+1) dimensions, in the domain in which quantum fluctuations are strong, are described for antiferromagnetic couplings by relativistic theories in which the methods of abelian or non-abelian bosonization are particularly powerful.
One of the greatest mathematicians in the world, Michael Atiyah has earned numerous honors, including a Fields Medal, the mathematical equivalent of the Nobel Prize. While the focus of his work has been in the areas of algebraic geometry and topology, he has also participated in research with theoretical physicists. For the first time, these volumes bring together Atiyah's collected papers--both monographs and collaborative works-- including those dealing with mathematical education and current topics of research such as K-theory and gauge theory. The volumes are organized thematically. They will be of great interest to research mathematicians, theoretical physicists, and graduate students in these areas.
Beginning with vol. 7, most vols. include several no. of a section called Nouvelles et faits divers, sér. [1], no. 1-
Developments in Mathematics is a book series devoted to all areas of mathematics, pure and applied. The series emphasizes research monographs describing the latest advances. Edited volumes that focus on areas that have seen dramatic progress, or are of special interest, are encouraged as well.
"Rapporteurs' summaries": p. [xxxi]-cxxxii.
Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences in Ottawa from August 18 to 23, 1996. -- Actes du 22e congrès international des sciences généalogique et héraldique à Ottawa du 18 au 23 août 1996.
More than ten years ago, some mediaevalists of the K.U.Leuven and the University of Ghent joined together to create a repertory of medieval narrative sources focusing on the southern Low Countries. A pre-print was published in a paper version and was soon followed by the electronic database entitled Narrative Sources which is available through the Internet. Since 1996, Narrative Sources has been adapted, supplemented and rearranged every year and over the years the number of inventoried items has been increased to far more than 2150 titles. The information present thus far in Narrative Sources already allows and facilitates the study of the sources as such, individually or collectively, qualitatively or quantitatively.In a next step the goal would be the exploitation of the contents, with a specific focus on monastic historiography, its social setting, and self-image. In this book some of the scholars working on this project present their work, their methodology and their results to-date.
INRIA, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique
This volume contains a collection of articles from the meeting of the Canadian Number Theory Association held at the Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM) at the University of Montreal. The book represents a cross section of current research and new results in number theory. Topics covered include algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, computational number theory, and Diophantine analysis and approximation. The volume contains both research andexpository papers suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in number theory.
X 1 O S R Cher lecteur, J'entre bien tard dans la sphere etroite des ecrivains au double alphabet, moi qui, il y a plus de quarante ans deja, avais accueilli sur mes terres un general epris de mathematiques. JI m'avait parle de ses projets grandioses en promettant d'ailleurs de m'envoyer ses ouvrages de geometrie. Je suis entiche de geometrie et c'est d'elle dontje voudrais vous parler, oh! certes pas de toute la geometrie, mais de celle que fait l'artisan qui taille, burine, amene, gauchit, peaufine les formes. Mon interet pour le probleme dont je veux vous entretenir ici, je le dois a un ami ebeniste. En effet comme je rendais un jour visite il cet ami, je le trouvai dans son atelier affaire a un tour. Il se retourna bientot, puis, rayonnant, me tendit une sorte de toupie et me dit: {laquo}Monsieur Besse, vous qui calculez les formes avec vos grimoires, que pensez-vous de ceci?)) Je le regardai interloque. Il poursuivit: {laquo}Regardez! Si vous prenez ce collier de laine et si vous le maintenez fermement avec un doigt place n'importe ou sur la toupie, eh bien! la toupie passera toujours juste en son interieur, sans laisser le moindre espace.)) Je rentrai chez moi, fort etonne,...
This volume contains original research articles, survey articles and lecture notes related to the Computations with Modular Forms 2011 Summer School and Conference, held at the University of Heidelberg. A key theme of the Conference and Summer School was the interplay between theory, algorithms and experiment. The 14 papers offer readers both, instructional courses on the latest algorithms for computing modular and automorphic forms, as well as original research articles reporting on the latest developments in the field. The three Summer School lectures provide an introduction to modern algorithms together with some theoretical background for computations of and with modular forms, including computing cohomology of arithmetic groups, algebraic automorphic forms, and overconvergent modular symbols. The 11 Conference papers cover a wide range of themes related to computations with modular forms, including lattice methods for algebraic modular forms on classical groups, a generalization of the Maeda conjecture, an efficient algorithm for special values of p-adic Rankin triple product L-functions, arithmetic aspects and experimental data of Bianchi groups, a theoretical study of the...
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