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Pleasure and Pain in Nineteenth-century French Literature and Culture

Auteure: David Evans , Kate Griffiths

Nombre de pages: 286

From Sade at one end of the nineteenth century to Freud at the other, via many French novelists and poets, pleasure and pain become ever more closely entwined. Whereas the inseparability of these themes has hitherto been studied from isolated perspectives, such as psychoanalysis, sadism and sado-masochism, melancholy, or post-structuralist textualjouissance, the originality of this collaborative volume lies in its exploration of how pleasure and pain function across a broader range of contexts. The essays collected here demonstrate how the complex relationship between pleasure and pain plays a vital role in structuring nineteenth-century thinking in prose fiction (Balzac, Flaubert, Musset, Maupassant, Zola), verse and the memoir as well as socio-cultural studies, medical discourses, aesthetic theory and the visual arts. Featuring an international selection of contributors representing the full range of approaches to scholarship in nineteenth-century French studies – historical, literary, cultural, art historical, philosophical, and sociopolitical – the volume attests to the vitality, coherence and interdisciplinarity of nineteenth-century French studies and will be of interest ...

Aperçu des progrès accomplis depuis 1886 dans le champ des études orientales

Auteure: Edouard Louis Montet

Nombre de pages: 18

Fucking Love, Tome 4 : For Pleasure

Auteure: Amheliie , Amélie C. Astier

Nombre de pages: 470

Bienvenue dans l’univers du porno gay. Chez FUCKING BOYS, le monde du X est revisité. Brooks Hill et Lake Baker sont meilleurs amis depuis toujours et les sentiments qu’ils se portent ne sont plus un secret pour personne. Le jeune duo du studio n’a pas froid aux yeux. Avides d’expériences, les deux hommes ne s’ennuient jamais dans leurs shows accompagnés de jouets. Alors, lorsqu’une marque de sextoys leur propose un projet de roadtrip filmé dans les capitales européennes accompagné de deux autres acteurs, Brooks et Lake foncent sans hésiter. C’est une opportunité pour eux et pour le label à ne pas foirer. Malheureusement, le conte de fées interdit au moins de dix-huit ans va rapidement s’achever. Un jour, tout va basculer et ce n’est pas seulement leurs existences personnelles et professionnelles qui vont changer, c’est tout un mode de vie qu’il va falloir réadapter. Et la bataille à mener engendrera forcément des conséquences sur cet amour intense qui va devoir affronter la dure réalité. Il suffit d’une seule fois pour voir son monde chuter. Brooks et Lake s’étaient promis pour le meilleur et pour le pire. Le pire est là, que se...

Dictionnaire de la langue française et anglaise à l'usage de tous les états enrichi de l'accentuation et d'une prononciation littérale

Auteure: William James (of Leipzig?)

Relations politiques des Pays-Bas et de l'Angleterre: Gouvernement de Don Juan. pt.2. (10 oct. 1577-1r oct. 1578)

Auteure: Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Commission royale d'histoire

Appendix to the ... Journals of the Legislative Assembly [and the Legislative Council] ...

Auteure: Canada. Parliament

Other Greek Writers, John of Damascus and Beyond, the West to Hilary

Auteure: Frances Margaret Young , Mark J. Edwards , Paul M. Parvis

Nombre de pages: 415

Studia Patristica

Auteure: F. Young , Mark J. Edwards , Paul M. Parvis

Nombre de pages: 415

Papers presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2003 (see also Studia Patristica 39, 40, 41 and 43). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.

Philo of Alexandria and Post-Aristotelian Philosophy

Auteure: Francesca Alesse

Nombre de pages: 291

An inquiry drawing on the presence of Hellenistic philosophy in Philo provides a better knowledge of the diffusion of Hellenistic philosophy since the late Republican age, as well as the relationship between Philoa (TM)s reception and other doxohraphical tradition.

Don Juan

Auteure: Molière,

Nombre de pages: 88

"He's a beast I tell you - a real animal" What happens when you've lived only for pleasure, and you finally run out of time? When you've broken every promise, outraged every decency and slept your way through half of Europe - where do you turn as the clock starts to tick towards midnight? Neil Bartlett's new translation brings out all the dark undercurrents of Molière's wickedly black comedy.

Iohannes Scottus Eriugena

Auteure: Gerd van Riel , Carlos G. Steel , J. J. McEvoy

Nombre de pages: 408

This volume contains essays which shed light on numerous aspects of Eriugena's hermeneutics of Scripture.

Doctrines of Human Nature, Sin, and Salvation in the Early Church

Auteure: Everett Ferguson , Paul Corby Finney , David Scholer

Nombre de pages: 339

An integrated overview of history The volume in this series are arranged topically to cover biography, literature, doctrines, practices, institutions, worship, missions, and daily life. Archaeology and art as well as writings are drawn on to illuminate the Christian movement in its early centuries. Ample attention is also given to the relation of Christianity to pagan thought and life, to the Roman state, to Judaism, and to doctrines and practices that came to be judged as heretical or schismatic. Introductions to each volume tie the articles together for an integrated understanding of the history. Offers insights and understanding The aim of the collection is to give balanced and comprehensive coverage, selected on the basis of the following criteria: original and excellent research and writing; subject matter of use to teachers and students; groundbreaking importance for the history of research; background information for issues and opinions. Understanding the development of early Christianity and its impact on Western history and thought offers valuable insights into the modern world and the present state of Christiantiy. It also provides perspective on comparable developments...

Ollendorff's New Method of Learning to Read, Write, and Speak the French Language

Auteure: Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff

Nombre de pages: 248

Home Words

Auteure: Mavis Reimer

Nombre de pages: 275

The essays in Home Words explore the complexity of the idea of home through various theoretical lenses and groupings of texts. One focus of this collection is the relation between the discourses of nation, which often represent the nation as home, and the discourses of home in children’s literature, which variously picture home as a dwelling, family, town or region, psychological comfort, and a place to start from and return to. These essays consider the myriad ways in which discourses of home underwrite both children’s and national literatures. Home Words reconfigures the field of Canadian children’s literature as it is usually represented by setting the study of English- and French-language texts side by side, and by paying sustained attention to the diversity of work by Canadian writers for children, including both Aboriginal peoples and racialized Canadians. It builds on the literary histories, bibliographical essays, and biographical criticism that have dominated the scholarship to date and sets out to determine and establish new directions for the study of Canadian children’s literature.

Pleasure Only

Auteure: S. Cassar

Nombre de pages: 314

Il est le meilleur des amants... mais aussi le plus insupportable ! La règle d’or de Mia ? Ne jamais se fier aux belles paroles d’un homme. Surtout quand celui-ci est diaboliquement sexy et qu’il le sait. Depuis une rupture douloureuse, elle fuit les manipulateurs de ce genre. Et c’est exactement ce que semble être Paolo, le nouveau client aux goûts de luxe à qui elle doit vendre une maison sur le littoral niçois. Passé les présentations, il a fallu à peine cinq minutes à cet écrivain prétentieux pour la plaquer contre un mur et l’embrasser fougueusement. De quoi la déstabiliser... mais aussi lui faire comprendre à quel point la chaleur d’un corps masculin lui avait manqué. Alors, même si toutes les raisons poussent Mia à fuir, une seule question l’obsède : qu’arriverait-il si elle acceptait de le revoir... ou plus ? A propos de l'auteur Éternelle rêveuse, S. Cassar est une fan inconditionnelle de comédies romantiques. Procurer un peu de bonheur aux lectrices grâce à ses propres histoires d’amour est tout ce à quoi elle aspire.

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